Buddy List

a list of buddies sits in plain view
a list of people he claims to know
a list of names of kids on his street
a list all arranged with titles for each

there is a group for all of the girls
there is a group for all of his pals
there is a group for kids from his school
there is a group for those met in chat rooms

each night he sits alone at his desk
each night he sits waiting to text
each night there is many people logged on
each night he sits, each night he yawns

sitting alone he waits for his friends
sitting alone to talk with them
sitting alone up in his room
sitting alone with no one to talk to

all of those names
all of those kids
all of those people he claims to know
each night he lies
each night he cries
each night he lives a reality show

a list of buddies sits in plain view
there is a group for kids from his school
each night he sits alone at his desk
sitting alone he waits for some freinds


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